If they wear a bikini, that is. Although I´m not so sure about Jeanne d'Arcs casual clothing choices.

Unlike the gun-bunnies at ToughSportsLive, the Bikini Bandits appear to be a parody. They are a band of bikini-clad, gun-toting superhotties who star in internet shorts and their own movies. And they have that other, decisive ingredient: Rock n Roll.
The Bikini Bandits starr in videos by A Perfect Circle, hang out with Tool and had Dee Dee Ramone play the Pope 
So, what´s the deal with all these machine gun maids and superheroines? Since I am far from being a social scientist, I leave the research to the scholars and just mindlessly embrace this weird popular culture phenomenon . By the way, „Girls and Guns“ comes with a subscription for similar intellectually challening shows such as cockfighting or Brazilian cagefights….what else could we ask for?
Feel free to add your comments. I might pick up this topic again after having seen the new Rodriguez / Tarantion Grindhouseflicks Planet Terror and Death Proof…. or I´ll add a little something on rrrriot girls or the like‚ `cause, actually, nothing beats a girl with a …guitar!
Further reading or unadulterated mindless indulgence: